Freeze Drying Apples

Apple harvesting season is near and it seems apple-infused recipes are only second to pumpkin spice infused recipes. It used to be that in order to make apples last through the winter, they had to be stored in a cool, dark, dry place for several weeks. Root cellars were dug under houses just for that purpose. Root cellars have their problems though. (Cellar spiders being the main one depending on who you ask.)

Other methods of preservation, such as canning and dehydrating, use higher temperatures that can destroy more than half the food value. If you have a home freeze dryer, preserving apples is so simple. Freeze drying does not shrink or toughen the apples, but retains the aroma, flavor, color, shape and nutritional content. Your apples will still look and taste fresh because, in reality, they still are!


The health benefits of apples? Some say they stave off everything from cancer to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease. Assuredly the are extremely high in antioxidants, soluble fiber, and trace nutrients that are hard to come by otherwise. There is a reason for the old adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Here are some of our favorite ways to use freeze-dried apples:

  • Sliced for pie – everyone knows this is the best way to eat apples. To freeze dry apple pie apples, slice them less than 1″ thick, freeze dry them in a single layer on the trays, then store in an airtight container until you’re ready to use them.
  • Diced for granola and yogurt – if you haven’t had crunchy freeze dried apples in your trail mix or breakfast granola, you’re missing out. Freeze dried apples are intensely delicious and wonderfully crunchy. To use as a crunchy topping, dice apples and leave the nutritious peel on.
  • Diced for quick breads and spice muffins – apple muffins and apple quick breads are the perfect afternoon companion for a cup of tea or coffee.
  • Ringed for hot drinks – peel your apples and slice thinly, freeze dry on a single layer on trays and store in an airtight container. Float rings of freeze dried apples in your holiday hot ciders and spiced punches. As they rehydrate they’ll soak up the spicy flavors, so feel free to eat the decorations.
  • Sliced for snacks – on their own freeze dried apples pack all the nutritional punch of fresh apples. Send them to school with your kids and pack them in your lunchbox. Sprinkle with cinnamon, brown sugar, or your favorite pie spice. (Whatever you do, be sure to try them with salty buttered popcorn on movie night. The sweet and salty combination is divine.)

Apples are exciting at the beginning of Fall, but when they’re the only fresh fruit left in the house they can seem a little boring by February. Freeze dry your apples in a variety of ways and you’ll find you can enjoy new and interesting flavors all winter long.

12 Comments on “Freeze Drying Apples”

  • Guest


    Do you just cut apples without putting anything on them to keep from turning brown?

    • Before Freeze Drying, you would still need to use a quick citric acid dip to prevent browning. Either citric acid sold to prevent browning or an acidic fruit juice such as pineapple or orange juice & I suppose even Limon juice in water would work too.

  • Guest


    once the apples are re-hydrated can they be used the same way you would use fresh fruit?

  • Guest


    I’ve 2 questions to you.
    May I freeze sliced apples for pies?
    Can I freeze stewed apples also?

    • Either can be freeze dried however watch the thickness of your fruit. Stewed apples would need to be sliced as you need it thin enough to remove moisture easily or it takes a long time to dry.

  • Guest


    Do I need to peel them?

    • No, you don’t have to peel apples.

  • Guest


    Would I store them at room temp and how long do they usually last?

    • If you stored them in a mylar bag with an oxygen absorber they will last for years and years (25 years). If you put them in a jar (like shown in the post) and snacked on the apples throughout the day, they won’t last nearly as long – because without a working oxygen absorber, the food is exposed to air and natural humidity each time you open the jar.

  • Guest


    Can we cinnamon the apples first and then put into the freeze dryer, or should we sprinkle afterwards?

    • It is best to sprinkle cinnamon before freeze drying. That way the cinnamon will adhere to the apples. They are a great snack.

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